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My Focus Area

My Focus Area is the default landing screen when a user logs in to the 4E system.

The main intent of My Focus area is to provide the user with an overall progress of the KPIs/action items belonging to the logged in user and all the reportees in his/her user hierarchy. To provide this information, 4E team has identified 6 critical widgets (listed below) which would provide the user with a good overview of the KPI/user performances.

These widgets are:

  1. Summary Report: This widget provides the performance summary of the selected KPIs of the logged in user.

  2. Action items report (User wise): This widget provides the Cap-Do action items assigned to the logged in user and the progress of it.

  3. Top 5 causes: This widget provides the details of top 5 repeating abnormality causes.

  4. Top performing KPIs: This widget provides the list of top 5 KPIs whose performance is good. (NOTE: This list is generated based on the current logged in user and hence the top performing KPIs can either be the KPIs whose primary owner is the current logged in user or the primary owner is any user falling in current logged in user’s reporting hierarchy.)

  5. Down performing KPIs: This widget provides the list of bottom most 5 KPIs whose performance is not upto the mark. (NOTE: This list is generated based on the current logged in user and hence the down performing KPIs can either be the KPIs whose primary owner is the current logged in user or the primary owner is any user falling in current logged in user’s reporting hierarchy.)

  6. KPIs Abnormality report: This widget shows the list of abnormalities added to each KPI on Cap-Do.

The above listed widgets are the default widgets which are loaded on 'My Focus Area' when a user has logged in to 4E system and these reports always show the data of KPIs corresponding to current running FY. However, the feature is flexible enough for the user to modify the set of widgets to be loaded on My Focus Area, at any point of time, depending on the need of the logged in user.


20 Oct 2021, Ameya


09 Nov 2021, Swapna

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