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Metrics in 4E provide data transformation and manipulation techniques, such that underlying data from any data source can be converted to a measure that drives the KPI.

Most often underlying data which is close to machine data needs treatment to deduce manufacturing, engineering, process etc. data points, which can be measured, compared, analyzed and acted upon.

Metrics are arithmetic formulas which combine one or more sources of data, one or more metrics themselves or one or more KPIs using simple mathematical operands.

It is important to note:

  1. The same metric can be consumed by one or more KPIs

  2. The same metric can be consumed by one or more metrics

As such depending on data capture frequency (DCF) of the KPI, the data is captured and collated from metrics in KPI data points.

4E supports two types of metrics

Computed metrics

A computed metric is a simple arithmetic expression which consists of basic mathematical operators using internal and external data forms, and other computed metrics as operands. Computed metrics are used to calculate actual value of a KPI.

YTD Metrics

A YTD metric is a simple arithmetic expression which consists of basic mathematical operators using internal and external data forms, and other computed or YTD metrics, or KPIs themselves, as operands. YTD metrics are used to calculate YTD/MTD value of a KPI.


13 Oct 2021, Ameya


08 Nov, 2021, Swapna

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