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Custom Reports - List

The list widget provides tabular information for KPI and user performance. Each List widget is generically termed as a widget. Please refer to the below table for more info



Widget configurator

Widget Controls

Summary Report

This widget will provide the performance summary of the defined KPIs. You can view this list in different view options like  view the summary of your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Duration type: Select the desired duration type for KPI performance

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

KPI Types: The KPIs of selected KPI type will be available for selection.

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • View only KPIs - Loads the view only KPIs of the logged in user

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

KPI Data Review

This widget will provide the users with a consolidated view of KPI actuals for the user, user’s direct reportees, and all reportees across multiple display frequencies like daily, monthly, weekly and etc. 

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

KPI Types: The KPIs of selected KPI type will be available for selection.

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Capture Frequency: Filter the KPI for the selected DCFs only

Display Frequency: Aggregated the KPI performance for the selected frequency.

Please note available display frequency can only be equal or greater than selected capture frequency

KPIs abnormality report:

This widget shows the list of abnormalities added to each KPI on Cap-Do page. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Top Performing KPI

This widget will provide a list of top 5 performing KPIs according to their YTD value. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Down Performing KPI

This widget will provide a list of the bottom most 5 KPIs whose performance is not up to the mark according to YTD value. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Action items report (KPI wise):

This widget will provide the Cap-Do action items which were defined for any given MP/CP KPI and the progress of it. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Action Status: Filter action as per selected status

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Action items report (User wise): 

This widget will provide the Cap-Do action items assigned to the user and the progress of it. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Assigned by me: List the action items assigned by the logged in user

Action Status: Filter action as per selected status

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Cause wise abnormality stats:

This widget will show the graphical representation of the occurrences per abnormality cause for both Positive abnormalities and Negative abnormalities. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Top 5 abnormality cause report

This widget will provide the list of top 5 repeating abnormality causes and list of affected KPIs affected due to it. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

KPI wise recurring abnormalities

This widget shows list of  KPIs for which any abnormality has occurred more than once, then this report displays the KPI details and the count of abnormality occurrences.

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

Candidate for standardization: 

This widget will provide the list of Cap-Do action items which were marked as candidate for standardization by the users in 4E system. You can view this list in different view options like  view your KPIs only or view yours and your reportees' KPIs in the same widget

Title: Enter the desired title for the widget. Max 100 characters.

Financial year: The KPIs from the selected FY will be available for selection

View Options: The KPIs in the widget will be displayed as per the selection

  • My KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user

  • My + Immediate Reportees’ KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their immediate reportees, if any in 4E

  • My + All Reportees’s KPIs - Load the KPIs of the logged in user and their all reportees, if any in 4E

  • Selected KPIs - logged in user needs to choose from the list of KPIs accessible to them

Cause: Filter CoS as per the selected Cause

Start and End Date: Performance of the KPI will be plotted for selected date range

Refresh/Reload: This will reload the data of the widget

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