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How does 4E help improve your KPI definitions?

4E facilitates digitization of Daily Work Management. Daily Routine Activity Management is the system that provides the ability to manage departments, functions, and processes, wherein processes are defined, standardized, controlled, and improved by the process owners.

Important aspect is that the management should be done on a day-to-day basis. This ensures that daily jobs and daily objectives are accomplished strictly on daily basis. There is a perfect control system built into daily routine activity management which does not ordinarily allow any slip up on daily plans, activities and results.

Business, we know, is now so complex and difficult, the survival of firms so hazardous in an environment increasingly unpredictable, competitive, and fraught with danger, that their continued existence depends on the day-to-day mobilization of every ounce of intelligence.

Aligning employees with organization vision and goals and clearly defining their roles and responsibilities is very important so that they can perform on their job efficiently and effectively. 4E allows deployment of KPIs and easy references to such artifacts for all employees in the organization hierarchy.

Realization of organization’s Vision and Goals is made to happen by clearly defining Objectives that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). The hardest part 📌 is to deploy key process indicators or measurement (management) points and control (check) points. Knowing what ✍ should be measured, tracked, monitored and controlled in order to achieve the intended Objective is an exercise that happens in iterations, with multiple revisions, collaboratively, involving employees across departments with expertise and skills in their respective scope of work.

There are various procedural tools as we know which help evolve and define KPIs for all employees across the organization hierarchy. 4E facilitates defining and deploying KPIs for all employees providing visual aids to track completion and adoption of business KPIs. Features like Organization Adoption and Deployment Tree show the typical RED , GREEN , YELLOW indicators which help to quickly identify which KPIs may or may not be performing close to their targets.

In 4E, KPI performance can be studied across years. Especially studying the deviation of KPI performance from their targets, help set pragmatic targets, cascading upwards to gauge how realistic business goals are. If a certain process KPI is unable to achieve targets it would then be possible to analyze what must radically change in the underlying systems to accelerate KPI performance.

Using 4E CAP-Do routines, employees can maintain complete log of containment and corrective actions. Understanding data abnormalities and studying the impact of actions taken, assist in making core business decisions inline with Objectives, Goals and hence the Vision of the organization.

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