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How does 4E enable you to identify abnormalities and track corrective actions?

When KPIs are defined in 4E, targets are set for the date periods KPIs are deployed for. Along with targets, upper and lower threshold limits can also be defined. 4E has inbuilt data abnormality detection module, which raised in-app, email and SMS alerts when KPI performance deviates beyond the bounds. When consecutive data abnormalities are detected, both the KPI owner and his supervisor are alerted so as to prompt action on the same.

When a process data abnormality occurs, it is important to assess the impact of underlying damage and exercise an immediate containment action. Employees can direct person in charge to perform the containment action and keep record of all artifacts associated with the data point inside of 4E. Immediate containment action helps limit the extent of damage that has caused the business KPI to under-perform or display unexpected deviation.

When containment action is scheduled to be completed against a specific date, its status can be tracked and updated during the course of execution. 4E raises reminders to the KPI owner and the employee who owns the containment action and helps both of them collaborate on the digital platform to mark their observations, record their data, attach necessary photographs or documents pertaining to the issue and thus thoroughly document the entire RCA.

Such process data abnormalities often prompt a permanent corrective action. Unless the abnormality is caused by temporary phenomena or external ambient factors, process parameters and SOP most likely will be triggered for an improvement revision.

How you act when the KPI performance deviates, also acts as a lesson (reminder) to repeat the next time and standardize the SOP. This helps save a lot of time, enables employees to act swiftly, aids faster decision making, because the RCA does not have to be run through in entirety and referring to previous documented actions and standardizations does more than half the job.

4E allows publication of such standard candidates and also help document process abnormalities, so that employees know perfectly well, on how to act and what to do, when something similar goes wrong again in the future.

Use the 4E technology to answer these questions - when data abnormalities are observed, how do you react?

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